Nirsevimab Resources

As nirsevimab is the first product of its kind, there are many things to consider during the first season of implementation. Below are various resources to support implementation in both inpatient and outpatient settings.  

Ambulatory/Outpatient Practice Resources 

General Resources 

Beyfortus Expert Series Informational Webinars

  • Register online for 30-minute session focused on clinical topics such as MOA, formulary updates, implementation and more.
  • Multiple dates available for sessions with live Q&A

NEAAP Award Nominations

Nominations are now open for two NEAAP Awards:

Outstanding Child Advocate of the Year

  • Recognize a NEAAP member who has contributed to the improvement of child health care at the chapter level. It can also be given for either a special project or for years of service on behalf of children.
  • Nominee must be a current Nebraska Chapter AAP member.
  • Nomination must be submitted from a current Nebraska Chapter AAP member.
  • Consideration Criteria: active involvement in Chapter service or initiatives, involvement in advocacy or community awareness on behalf of child health, involvement in special projects, committees or activities that serve the needs of Nebraska children.

Friend of Child Health

  • Non-medical or medical provider outside of pediatrics (i.e. community leader, lawmaker, provider in a non-pediatric related field)
  • Nomination must be submitted from a current Nebraska Chapter AAP member.
  • Consideration Criteria: performs outstanding service to the betterment of the health of the children and adolescents of the state of Nebraska.

Please note the following restrictions:

  1. Individuals may only nominate one person for each individual award.
  2. Current members of the NEAAP Executive Committee are ineligible to receive these awards.

Deadline for Nominations: Friday, September 10, 2024

Award recipients will be determined by the NEAAP Executive Committee and will be announced at the NEAAP Fall Conference on Friday, October 18, 2024.

Advocacy Training Session for Child Health Providers 12/1

Nebraska AAP and the Nebraska Regional Council of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry invite you to hone your advocacy skills at two online training sessions. These sessions are open to all NEAAP and ROCAP members as well as medical students and residents.

The next session, December 1 from 6-7 PM, will feature former Senator Sara Howard providing a lawmaker perspective on to help sharpen your skills and increase your advocacy effectiveness.

We hope you will join us.

2022 Advocacy Sessions - 12/1

Quit Vaping Campaign Flyers Available

The Nebraska Chapter Champion on e-cigarettes has obtained funding to provide Nebraska pediatric clinics laminated informational flyers with QR codes linking to nicotine cessation resources for teens. These flyers are laminated 8.5 x 11 and in full color. Both English and Spanish versions are available. There is no cost for your order. Available at no cost while supplies last.

Place your order today!

  • Please enter a number from 0 to 50.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 50.

HPV Vaccine Quality Improvement Project

Available to pediatricians in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Illinois.

Join your pediatric colleagues in a virtual learning collaborative to increase HPV vaccination rates in your practice now!

Individuals will earn 25 MOC Part IV and 5 CME credits in 2019, free of charge.

Project activities run from April 2019-September 2019. Click the button below to learn more about the course expectations, timelines, and learning objectives! Sign up by April 12th.

HPV Vaccine QI Project Fact Sheet