NEAAP Advocacy Resources

Webinars on Advocacy Basics:

Identify Your Nebraska Senator

AAP State Advocacy

Contact the AAP State Advocacy

Nebraska Advocates for Child Health
(collaboration of Nebraska Chapter AAP and the Regional Council of the American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)

Nebraska Child & School Health Data

This guide is brought to you by Nebraska TEAMS, a collaboration of the Nebraska Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Children’s Nebraska, DHHS, and NDE dedicated to improving the health and mental health of children in school.

Infectious Diseases Prevention Handbook for Schools Now Available.

In Nebraska, we are highly aware of disparities between rural and urban areas. Persons living in rural areas have less access to healthcare, have lower rates of vaccination, and have a more difficult time to access many experts and resources to support school health than their urban counterparts may.

The funding for this book was provided through a grant the Nebraska Chapter AAP received through the American Academy of Pediatrics Managing Infectious Diseases in Schools Chapter Innovation Grant. This grant provided funding for compilation, printing and distribution of this handbook to rural schools with the intent of reducing rural health disparities.

Nirsevimab Resources

As nirsevimab is the first product of its kind, there are many things to consider during the first season of implementation. Below are various resources to support implementation in both inpatient and outpatient settings.  

Ambulatory/Outpatient Practice Resources 

General Resources 

Beyfortus Expert Series Informational Webinars

  • Register online for 30-minute session focused on clinical topics such as MOA, formulary updates, implementation and more.
  • Multiple dates available for sessions with live Q&A

Medicaid Coverage Resources

Families who are no longer eligible for Medicaid may still be eligible for other types of free or low-cost coverage.

Nebraska DHHS: Preparing to Renew Medicaid Coverage

ACCESSNebraska : The Department of Health and Human Services administers and manages eligibility for Medicaid and Economic Assistance programs through ACCESSNebraska.​

How Pediatricians Can Help Children Stay Covered

From AAP President Sandy Chung, MD, FAAP:

“…A change is coming to Medicaid coverage: a policy that kept millions of children continuously enrolled in Medicaid during the COVID-19 public health emergency will end on March 31.

What can you do?

Families who are no longer eligible for Medicaid may lose their coverage, but they may still be eligible for other types of free or low-cost coverage. This process of redetermining the eligibility of everyone enrolled in Medicaid is being called the “unwinding.”

When is this change actually happening?

Over the next 14 months, states must check whether every person currently enrolled in Medicaid is still eligible, then either renew or terminate that person’s coverage. Every state decides their own timeline for eligibility redeterminations; while some will come now, others won’t get them for months. April 1 is the first day that states may begin disenrolling individuals who are no longer eligible for Medicaid. At least five states are already sending renewal applications, and more states will begin sending notices and renewal applications in April and May. I hope these resources help you prepare.”

Quit Vaping Campaign Flyers Available

The Nebraska Chapter Champion on e-cigarettes has obtained funding to provide Nebraska pediatric clinics laminated informational flyers with QR codes linking to nicotine cessation resources for teens. These flyers are laminated 8.5 x 11 and in full color. Both English and Spanish versions are available. There is no cost for your order. Available at no cost while supplies last.

Place your order today!

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