The Nebraska Advocates for Child Health (NEACH) – is a collaborative advocacy education effort of the Nebraska Chapter AAP and the Nebraska Regional Council of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ROCAP). Now more than ever, it is important for lawmakers to hear from pediatric health experts as they make decisions that will impact health care and the health of Nebraska’s children and adolescents.
Make your voice heard.
Open to seasoned advocates and anyone wanting to learn more about advocating for child health.
8:30 AM – Meet in Children’s Admin Parking Lot (for those wishing to carpool to Lincoln)
9:45 AM – Meet at Nebraska State Capitol, south side entrance
10:00 AM – Group Visits with State Senators
11:30 AM – Lunch in the Capitol Cafeteria & Discussion
1:00 PM – Observe Legislative Hearing or Meet with Senators
3:00 PM – Leave Capitol
The visits are conducted in groups that will include both experienced advocates and those learning the advocacy process.
Open to medical students, residents and fellows with an interest in a pediatric related field or child and adolescent psychiatry. Practicing physicians must be members of either the NEAAP or ROCAP.
Please register by March 18.